37845 Colorado Ave. | Avon, Ohio 44011


September 15, 2023
Join us at The Woods on French Creek for a spooky night of trick-or-treating on October 26th from 5-8pm! Come share the Halloween spirit with our residents and enjoy a safe, fun-filled evening of candy, costumes, donuts and cider, s'mores, haunted walks and so much more. We encourage you to put on your best costume and get ready for a spooktacular evening!

News & Events

Celebrating American Heart Month
A heart-healthy diet is key for older adults!

February Activities Calendar
See what we're up to this month at The Creek!

Family, Food, and Gratitude: Thanksgiving at The Woods
Thank you for joining us for this heartfelt celebration!

2024 Westlake Senior Center Chili Cook-Off
A big congratulations to Chef Kristin for bringing home the gold!

Father's Day Ties and Tacos
Celebrate Father's Day with French Creek!

Mother's Day Brunch!
Come celebrate the special moms in your life!

Easter Egg Hunt!
Celebrate Easter with your loved ones at French Creek!

Taste the Love: Chef Kristin's Delicious Creations at French Creek
Chef Kristin goes the extra mile to spoil our staff and residents!

Family Holiday Party!
Join us for a festive afternoon together!

A Memorable Halloween: French Creek's Annual Trick-or-Treat
Our residents and their families had an unforgettable Halloween celebration!

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